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How To Have A Good Night’s Sleep? - Herbaly

How To Have A Good Night’s Sleep?

After a day's activity, resting is important for your mental and physical well-being. Sleep helps the brain and body recharge. But when you skip sleep, it takes a toll. On average, the body needs at least seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep to recover. 

If you're getting less than the needed amount of sleep, it's time to take steps to improve it. There are so many ways to get better sleep, such as having a cup of dream functional tea before bedtime, and so on. But before that, it helps to learn how sleep can affect you as well as its overall importance. Also, we will give you some tips to help you get a good night's sleep. 

How does sleep affect your mental health? 

A lack of sleep can negatively affect mental health. When an individual goes for days in a row without proper sleep, that sleep debt can cause an increased level of stress. Individuals who haven't slept well for several days tend to be more easily angered or irritable. 

In extreme cases, a significant lack of sleep can impair an individual's ability to think straight and may even trigger feelings of paranoia. In some individuals (especially those with pre-existing mental health issues), a lack of sleep can trigger psychotic episodes. So, as simple as resting every day may seem, one cannot overlook the importance. 

Why is important to get enough sleep? 

Sleep is important because it helps maintain cognitive skills such as learning and memory. Also, sleep helps you think straight as it aids with dealing with stress and improves your mood simultaneously. After the proper amount of sleep, productivity increases as the brain functions better. 

Getting a good amount of sleep can also improve your athletic performance as it can help improve your muscle power, reaction time, and so on. Sleep is also associated with improving heart health. It also promotes a healthier immune system, improves concentration, increases metabolism, and so on.

7 tips to get a good night sleep 

If you are having trouble getting a good night's sleep, here are some tips to help improve your amount of sleep. 

1. Maintain a sleep schedule 

Having a steady sleep schedule would be best to get more out of your sleep time. Have a set time to go to bed and wake up (even on weekends and holidays). Doing this helps train your brain so you can get deeper, higher-quality sleep.

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2. Create a good environment 

Your bedroom needs to have the right conditions to promote sleep. This means you need to eliminate distracting noise and dim the lights. Eliminating blue light-emitting devices like the TV, mobile phones, tablets, or laptops in the bedroom can also help improve sleep quality. Maintaining the right temperature in your room can also help improve your sleep quality. 

3. Limit day naps 

Taking day naps makes it difficult to sleep at night. If you often take day naps, you should limit them as it will affect your sleep schedule at night. If you must take day naps, limit them to an hour at maximum. Also, avoid taking naps late in the day. 

4. Have a dream of functional tea before bed 

Before bedtime, having a decent amount of dream functional tea can help promote sleep. Dream functional tea has active ingredients that ease the mind, support a healthy heart rate, and thus support sleep. You can even enjoy the tea while having dinner, giving it a few hours before bedtime to get into your bloodstream. 

5. Physical activity 

Physical activities are essential if you want to improve the quality of your sleep. At the same time, you should avoid working out too close to bedtime. Spending some time outside in the evening doing some physical activity can help you sleep better. And it doesn't need to be anything too intense; simple activities like taking a brisk walk will do. 

6. Avoid eating/drinking too much. 

When you eat too much or drink too much before bedtime, it can affect your sleep quality. The body needs time to digest everything you've eaten before bed. Because when you're asleep, the body's digestive system slows down almost to a halt. As such, food eaten late at night doesn't get digested while sleeping, which ferments your body and causes indigestion and bloating that affects your sleep.

7. Destress 

It would be best if you learned to destress before bedtime. Activities that help you destress before bedtime help you sleep better. Find something relaxing to do, like sitting on your patio, reading a book, meditating, sipping a cup of dream functional tea, or watching the sunset with family or friends while having a well-brewed dream functional tea. 

Having a quality sleep cannot be overemphasized enough. You should always prioritize a good amount of sleep in your schedule. And if you're having trouble sleeping, taking advantage of the benefits of a dream functional tea can help you sleep better. 

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