
Does Chamomile Tea Help Make You Feel Sleepy?

By Bridget Reed
Medically Reviewed by:

Heidi Wright, BSN, RN, PCCN, and Certified Master Herbalist

Does Chamomile Tea Help Make You Feel Sleepy?

January 16, 2024

Chamomile tea, a staple in herbal teas, has a long-standing reputation for its calming and sleep-inducing support properties. Many turn to this gentle, aromatic brew as a natural way to ease into a peaceful night's sleep. But what is it about this unassuming cup of tea that makes it such a favored choice at bedtime? 

This article dives into the heart of chamomile tea's relationship with sleep, unraveling the science and the stories behind its sleepy-time fame. Is it just a comforting ritual, or is there more to this herbal infusion than meets the eye?

Let's explore why chamomile tea is a popular sleep aid and uncover the truths and myths surrounding its effects on sleep quality.

What Is Chamomile Tea?

Chamomile tea originates from the chamomile flower, traditionally found across Europe and Asia. The word "chamomile" itself comes from ancient Greek, meaning "earth-apple," a nod to its sweet, apple-like fragrance. 

Two common types of chamomile used for tea are German Chamomile and Roman Chamomile, both known for their delicate, daisy-like flowers. This herb has been used for centuries in various cultures for its therapeutic properties and as a natural remedy for wellness. 

Today, it's cherished around the world for its soothing aroma and pleasant taste, standing as a symbol of tranquility and relaxation.

What Is the Relationship Between Chamomile Tea and Sleep Quality?

The link between chamomile tea and sleep quality support is not just folklore — it's backed by specific properties of the tea:

  • Apigenin: Chamomile contains a compound called apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain brain receptors, supporting feelings of sleepiness.
  • Natural Sedative: The mild soothing effects of chamomile tea help before bedtime, creating an ideal environment for a restful night.
  • Sleep Aid Research: Studies have shown that regular consumption of chamomile tea can support overall sleep quality.
  • Caffeine-Free: Being naturally free from caffeine, chamomile tea is a perfect choice for a nighttime beverage, unlike green or black tea, which may disrupt sleep.

These factors contribute to the benefits of chamomile tea, offering a natural alternative to those seeking a more peaceful and uninterrupted night's sleep. Its gentle, calming effect on the body and mind makes it a favored choice for many as part of their nightly routine.

How Does Chamomile Compare to Other Forms of Sleep Support?

While chamomile tea is a popular choice, let's see how it compares to others:

  • Valerian Root: Known for its powerful sleep-supporting properties, valerian is a stronger alternative. However, chamomile offers a milder, gentler option, which is preferable for those sensitive to other sleep support options.
  • Melatonin Supplements: Unlike melatonin supplements that directly influence the body's sleep-wake cycle, chamomile tea offers a more subtle effect, making it suitable for regular use without the same risk of grogginess the next day.
  • Passionflower: Passionflower is another herbal tea known for its calming effects. While passionflower can be powerful in supporting sleep, it’s often favored for its mild taste and gentler effects.

While other natural and herbal remedies offer their benefits, chamomile tea stands out for its gentle effectiveness, minimal side effects, and soothing, pleasant taste. 

How Can You Incorporate Chamomile Tea Into Your Bedtime Routine?

To fully benefit from chamomile tea's health benefits, consider integrating it into your nightly routine:

  • Timing Is Key: Drink a cup of chamomile tea about 30 minutes before bed to allow its calming effects to set in.
  • Create a Relaxing Atmosphere: Sipping chamomile tea in a quiet, comfortable setting can enhance its relaxing effects. “Many people have reported that chamomile helps ease them into sleep and they slept more soundly when paired with a healthy sleep hygiene routine,” highlights Heidi Wright, Registered Nurse and Certified Herbalist.
  • Explore Blended Teas: To diversify your herbal tea experience, consider our range of Functional Teas. These expertly crafted blends combine chamomile with a variety of other beneficial ingredients, each designed to support different aspects of health and wellness. Whether you're looking to support your immune system, maintain healthy digestion, or simply unwind after a long day, there's a blend tailored to your needs.
  • Sweeten Naturally: If you prefer your tea sweet, use our Organic Stevia Leaf Sweetener. It's a natural way to add sweetness without disrupting your sleep pattern.
  • Mindful Preparation: Engage in the process of preparing your chamomile tea as a mindfulness exercise. This ritual can help you transition from the hectic pace of the day to a more serene evening mindset.
  • Pair with a Bedtime Activity: Couple your chamomile tea drinking with a calming bedtime activity like reading a light book, listening to soft music, or practicing gentle yoga stretches. This combination can further signal to your body that it's time to wind down and embrace rest.

By following these tips, chamomile tea can become a cherished part of your evening, setting the stage for a restful night’s sleep.

Are There Any Side Effects of Chamomile Tea?

While chamomile tea is generally safe, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Allergic Reactions: If you are allergic to plants like daisies or chrysanthemums, you might also be allergic to chamomile.
  • Interactions with Medications: Chamomile can interact with certain medications, including blood thinners and sedatives. Always consult your healthcare provider before adding new supplements to your routine.
  • Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: It's best to consult a healthcare professional before consuming chamomile tea during pregnancy or breastfeeding.
  • Limit Consumption if Needed: While chamomile tea is safe for most people, it's best to consume it in moderation. Excessive consumption might lead to side effects in some individuals.

Being aware of these potential side effects can help you enjoy chamomile tea safely as part of your sleep routine.

How Else Can Chamomile Tea Support Health?

While chamomile tea is widely recognized for its sleep-supporting qualities, its scope in supporting health and wellness extends far beyond just sleep. 

This gentle herbal tea has a variety of benefits that contribute to overall health:

  • Relieving Tension: The natural calming effect of chamomile tea can be particularly beneficial for those dealing with daily tension. With its chemical properties that can bind to certain brain receptors, chamomile helps create a sense of relaxation and ease, making it a natural choice for stress relief.
  • Supporting Digestive Wellness: Chamomile tea is often enjoyed for its gentle soothing properties, which can support healthy digestion and help ease discomfort. It's a great choice for those looking to maintain healthy digestive function.
  • Maintaining Healthy Blood Sugar Levels: The natural compounds in chamomile, including flavonoids, contribute to maintaining healthy blood sugar levels.
  • Heart Health: Chamomile tea's soothing properties extend to supporting heart health. Our Heart Functional Tea, featuring chamomile and a blend of heart-supportive herbs and superfoods, is an ideal addition to a heart-conscious lifestyle.
  • Supporting Proper Immune Function: The natural antioxidants in chamomile tea support the immune system, making it a beneficial drink for maintaining overall immune health.
  • Supporting Skin Health: Chamomile tea can also be beneficial for skin health, both when consumed and applied topically, thanks to its natural soothing qualities.

Incorporating chamomile tea into your routine, whether as a relaxing evening drink or as part of a health-conscious tea blend, offers a holistic approach to maintaining wellness. While it's renowned for supporting sleep quality, its benefits extend to various aspects of health, making it a valuable addition to a balanced, health-focused lifestyle. 

Always consider your specific health needs and seek medical advice as necessary when integrating herbal teas into your regimen. With chamomile tea, you can enjoy better sleep and a gentle, natural boost to your overall well-being.

The Bottom Line

Chamomile is much more than a bedtime beverage. Its range of benefits, from sleep quality to digestive and heart health, highlights chamomile tea's versatility as a natural remedy. 

At Herbaly, we appreciate the intricate balance of health and nature that chamomile tea represents. Its ability to blend tranquility with wellness embodies our philosophy of nurturing the body and mind in harmony with nature's gifts. We encourage you to embrace chamomile tea as a gentle, caffeine-free companion in your journey towards holistic health.

Remember, while herbal teas like chamomile offer numerous benefits, they should complement a well-rounded approach to health care. Always consider your unique health needs and seek professional medical advice when necessary. 


Chamomile: A herbal medicine of the past with bright future | PMC

The effects of chamomile extract on sleep quality among elderly people: A clinical trial | PCM

Natural Sleep Aids: Which Ones Are Safe? | Sleep Foundation

Passionflower Information | Mount Sinai

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